Hallelujah Highway

Celebrating the Journey

Monday Miracle~ Kristi

Monday Miracle

Rae and I were introduced to a blog, Momastery.com, which we have followed for some time.  Many times the blog left us saying, “Wow!”  The writer, Glennon, is perfectly imperfect.  She is an Earth angel speaking words of God’s truth as she walks her life’s highway.  She and the blog embody the phrase “Love is a Verb.”

One of the amazing things about this blog is she does something called “Love Flash Mobs” as a part of her non-profit Monkey See- Monkey Do organization.  The rules are simple: Everyone is invited and the maximum donation is $25.  Glennon picks the causes and they vary.  The Love Flash Mobs have given a mother, with a 3%-chance-that-chemo-would-work diagnosis, a once in a lifetime vacation for her large family who couldn’t afford it.   Another Love Flash Mob project raised money for a single mom with ALS and several severally handicapped children.  She needed a fully equipped, handicapped accessible van.  The blog raised so much money that they were able to buy the fully equipped, handicapped accessible van AND buy a family, whose mother had stage-four cancer, astronomical medical bills, and old clunker, a new van too.

The most recent Love Flash Mob picked a 17-year old single mother with a 4-month old baby.  She needed a place to live and Project Home Indy provides a place where teenage mothers needing housing can stay.  The mothers get food, clothing, shelter, counseling, around the clock support, and transportation, but such a service costs $83,000 per girl per year.  The Love Flash Mob raised the $83,000 within 6-hours.

$83,000!  In 6-hours!  $83,000!  Hallelujah, that’s a miracle!

Folks, the Love Flash Mobs are MIRACLES and we want to take a moment to honor the amazing, heart-centered work that Momastery.com and the Monkey See-Monkey Do organization is doing.  We are in awe and humbled.

May you see more miracles in this week and yell out “Hallelujah, that’s a miracle!”

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